Our Annual Health and Body Issue is Out Now!

Jan 10, 2024

New year, new You. Blah, Blah, Blah. Just because you have heard that so many times before, doesn’t mean that now isn’t a good time to make some changes and start being just a little better to yourself. Right? Our very first issue of each new year is always focused on health and wellness. And this year we have a fun issue with some great tips, new things to try and so much more!

With regards to taking care of yourself, we have an update on the state of Covid vaccines and who should get a booster (everyone), we have some information about the health benefits of celery juice, improving your oral health and a few different exercises, chosen to focus on a particular part of one’s anatomy. None of this will make you look like the man on the cover of this magazine, at least not right away, but they certainly can’t hurt as long as you don’t over do it.

Further along in the magazine, we have some information about the various presidential candidates that are going up against President Biden, and some of their stances regarding the LGBTQ+ community. This is an election year, so we should know what we’re up against, and be ready for it/them. We also take a look at what West Virginia is doing to fight back regarding transgender health bans. You can find these on pages 4 and then 5.

For those of you who like to read books, we have a great review on the book “The Risk it Takes to Bloom…” on page 6, and on the next page, Judy Saint discusses how you can honor your favorite book, and let people know just how much you enjoyed it, by purchasing a lapel pen made specifically for that book. It’s a very cute idea.

As always, Matthew Burlingame brings his Out & About column to this first issue of the year, with lots of fun things to do, and see. Check out page 14. Diving deeper into this issue our very own, Chris Narloch, brings us “Step Afrika!” at the Harris center and another show playing at Berkeley Rep. He also highlights four movies that you can find in the cinema now, including a new Godzilla movie. Check out page 18 for all the details. Of course, that’s not all. We have James Blount, Mean Girls, Queen at IMAX, and more.

We round out the issue with a Taylor Swift comic book, and our very popular Activating Taste Buds, where we showcase some amazing lunch items photographed at Urban Roots on V Street.

Be sure and pick up our very first issue of 2024. You can find it on newsstands around town, and of course, you can download for free, or read it online for free as well. We hope you all had a wonderful New Year’s Eve, and are enjoying the beginning of this new year. Take good care, let’s all try to be a little healthier, but still have a whole lotta fun.