Our Annual Farm to Fork Issue is Out

Sep 9, 2021

Let’s Eat! Farm to Fork is Happening Now!

It’s no surprise that we here at Outword love food, and drink. This special issue is also one of our favorites, after all, who doesn’t want to write and read about great, fresh food? Thankfully, we live in a town that has that kind of food in abundance.

Of course it’s not all about food. We have some news about a new mobile HIV testing unit, info about how RedRover is helping animals being affected by the wildfires that are surrounding us and even a blurb about some really gay Ford vehicles in Germany. Super fun!

Then comes the food. Starting with the 44th Annual Jewish Food Faire, Boone’s Red Onions and, of course, Sacramento’s Farm to Fork Festival – which you can read all about that on page 16!

No issue would be complete without some fun things to do and see. Right? Art shows, a book about a modern family, five movies that Chris Narloch takes a look at, as well as a couple of live stage shows. And, if you like to golf, be sure to check out page 22 for all the info about the Sunburst Project’s celebrity golf tournament. You can do some great charitable stuff all while racking up a high golf score! What could be better?


Of course there is more to this issue than just what is mentioned above, but you will need to either pick up a paper (yes, actual printed, paper copies are available) or click through online for our “flip” version, or simply download a PDF copy, for your pleasure.

Also, be sure to stay tuned in, ‘cause our next issue is our mondo Arts and Entertainment issue! But, that’s a whole other announcement. Till then, take great care of yourself and be safe.