Beach Rats’ and Best Of!

Jun 28, 2018

Cool queer movies, “Best Of 2018” voting and other fun stuff. Pride month may be over, but there is still lots to do and see.

Chris Narloch writes up some LGBT movies that got good reviews, but skipped right by us but now available through direct to TV viewing. The image on the cover is from one of those movies, “Beach Rats.”

Our “Best Of 2018” survey is live now and ready to take your input. The web link is stupid-long, so click over to our web site, Facebook page or click on the ad in the electronic versions of this issue to share your thoughts. We will announce the winners in our July 26 issue.

Besides that there are fun articles about concerts, local theatre, local art galleries and even so Out and About pictures.

This issue is on the streets now, as well as available for viewing or download, for free. Click through to either our web site, or our ISSUU portal to take a look.

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