Welcome to our Annual Best Of issue, C19 Style

Jul 23, 2020

Welcome to our Annual Best Of issue, C19 Style

Over the years a lot of our questions have been about things to do and places to go. Now with stay at home orders, we tried to bring out some of the good that those orders have done, and what was, maybe, accomplished by having some time just mulling around the homestead. We also send out a big shout out to everyone that took a few minutes to lend their voice to this survey. It is always good to hear from you! You can read the results on pages 14 and 15.

On your way to the results pages you will pass some great stuff: Sac. County promoting mental health, “Cultivation Empathy,” Mary Trump’s book review, the Jewish Food Faire will go on, enjoying wine at home and the Sacramento Zoo will remain open – with plenty of safeguards.

Since we are entertaining ourselves at home, things that we can listen to, watch and experience, at home have become quite important. So, we have some great, LGBTQ music reviewed, a Broadway show that is online, some documentary series from Netflix and even some movies that you can stream, and enjoy, today.

We have managed to pack a lot of great stuff into the pages of this Special Best Of issue of Outword Magazine. Give it a spin. It’s free

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