Welcome to Pride Month!

Jun 9, 2022

This is the second, of three, Pride themed issues for us. We are lovingly referring to this one as California Pride! This year there are several Pride events that are all happening this coming weekend, and we have included info on them. See the cover for Pride events and the corresponding pages where you will find information about the events you are interested in. Of course, that’s not all you will find in this issue..!

We highlight the Proclamation announcement from the Governor, and we have a story about Sacramento PFLAG turning 40, Sunburst Clinic is fighting HIV and a bold new documentary from a local of Sacramento – who is also going to be one of the Grand Marshals of this year’s Sacramento Pride parade.

We have also included some need-to-know information about the Monkeypox virus that is spreading and how you can protect yourself and others from it. (No, it’s not a gay disease.)

For entertainment you will find Broadway tales, wine recommendations, new and old movies and don’t miss the opening paragraph of Matt Burlingame’s “Out & About” column. It’s hella fun! Also, on page 34 Mikey Rox showcases some fun Pride Swag that you can get, and enjoy, for the rest of Pride Month. This is just a smattering of what you will find. Pick or click and see for yourself!

It should go without saying, but it Is important to note/remember that this issue, and in fact, all issues of Outword, would not be possible if not for the advertisers that have chosen to support the magazine and the LGBTQ+ community in general. Look over their ads, and support them when you can. Let them know you saw their ad in Outword – they love that stuff!

Every year we offer best wishes to you and everyone celebrating. Have a safe and wonderfully fun Pride!

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