Our Annual Wheels and Tech Special Issue is Out Now!

Jul 13, 2023

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Each year we gather a smattering of automotive or tech stuff and create this special annual issue. We admit the word “Tech” is intentionally vague so that it can cover a wide range of “tech.” Everything from audio equipment to computer stuff, to gadgets, even kitchen tech, if that’s what you want to call it. This Wheels and Tech issue is no different. We have almost all of that in just this issue alone. Check it out.

On the cover is Subaru’s striking all-electric car, the Solterra. It is produced using a joint venture with Toyota, but unlike the Toyota’s, all Subaru Solterras will come with all-wheel drive. It’s a rugged vehicle made to compliment the rest of Subaru’s line up, all while being just that much more environmentally friendly. See page 14, or Elk Grove Subaru for more details. (Be sure to tell them Outword sent ya!)

We received a lot of emailed press releases regarding the controversial SCOTUS rulings that recently were thrown at us, so it just seemed natural to share those thoughts with you, our readers. Page 4 has six such statements.

For the tech portion of this paper, we have Ai, premium kitchen tools, a new record player, some fun record albums that have been re-released as well as a story about a San Fransisco staple record store closing. Sound pretty bleeding-edge, huh? Well, it’s all in the pursuit of a good time.

Speaking of good times, Matt Burlingame runs down some excellent things to do in and around Sacramento with his “Out & About” column. Plus, Chris Narloch brings us info about “The Music Man” at Broadway Sacramento’s Music Circus, and “Predictor” at Capital Stage. Also, as we have come to expect, Tom Cruise saves the summer as Chris writes about four movies to be sure to catch while they are still on the big screen. Chris also throws in a little bit of Ben Cohen and a helping of Taylor Mac.

So, for all of you that read “Wheels and Tech,” and rolled your eyes, don’t worry. This issue does not read like stereo instructions… The paper version is being distributed now, and the online versions can be found by visiting our new web site. (wwwOutWordMagazine.com) As always, even the paper version is Free, so feel free to grab one, heck, grab two, and give the other one to a friend!


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Year’s End 2024
Holiday Shop Two and Queer – the movie
Wicked Good!
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