Our Annual Wheels and Tech Issue is Out Now

Jul 14, 2022

Ok, full disclosure, the vehicle on the cover is a complete tease. While it does actually exist, right now it is only for the European market. Volkswagen’s ID Buzz electric micro van is slated to come to the U.S. eventually, but details of when we might be able to get our hands on one are sketchy at best. VW is also expecting demand to completely outstrip available units for some time. Oh well, it’s totally adorbs, and it should be fun once it does come to our roads.

In all fairness to us, we do actually have an article about living with a 100 percent electric car by one of our readers who has had his Volkswagen ID.4 for about a year. You can find that cool story on page 8.

Also in this issue, SMUD gave us a great article about some of the programs that you can take advantage of that will help us all live greener – electric cars, home chargers and even SMUD work trucks are included within.

Our own staff writer, Ron Tackitt, writes about living with one of the new(ish) 24” iMacs that is powered by Apple’s M1 processing chip. (Hint, he likes it, mostly). See page 11.

Elsewhere in the issue you will find out about the new board members for the Sacramento Rainbow Chamber of Commerce, Pride Returns to San Francisco – with beautiful pics, a “Three-way on the Freeway,” and even some old tech making life in the kitchen easier and more fun.

This wouldn’t be an issue of Outword without great articles about fun things to do, see and hear, including a new, baby mongoose at the Zoo, some great local theatre, several queens of country with new music, a classic movie from Francis Coppola at the Crest, and the return of Thor (along with his beautiful butt!) on the big screen.

So, hop, skip or walk very briskly to grab a paper copy, or swipe your finger across the screen of your smart phone to get to one of our online versions, and check this new issue out. It has so much to offer, even if you can’t buy the “wheels” on the cover, yet.
